Looking for Korean Language Tutor in Washington D.C.

Dear Korean,

I am learning Korean and my formal classes at the Korean Cultural Center begin later this year. In the meantime, I would like to immerse myself in dialogue outside a class/ study environment and in the casual setting of the summer social scene.

I am outgoing & meet lots of young-adult Korean-Americans but they do not speak Korean. Am I correct to assume that newly arrived Korean-speaking young adults are very scarce. So, finding a tutor at a university may be too formal but that's the best option I can think of, what do you think?

American Learning Korean

There is an even better option: put out an APB through this blog! If you are interested in becoming a Korean language buddy with ALK, reach out to her at aaraliesels@gmail.com. (The email is posted here with the questioner's permission.)

Got a question or a comment for the Korean? Email away at askakorean@gmail.com.