- Want to keep up with daily headlines from Korean newspapers in English? Try this out. [KEI]
- Why can't U.S. and China just be friends? [East Asia Forum]
- The damn dirty hippies protesting Wall Street could learn a thing or two from the Tea Party: "... while they were quietly seething, the tea-party movement was showing America what democracy actually looks like, pushing their candidates forward and holding them accountable." [The Economist]
- Speaking of damn dirty hippies, the Maoists in China are praising them as proof that capitalism does not work. So good job, hippies. [New Yorker]
- The Korean has a pretty low opinion of the-whitest-of-white-shoe law firm Sullivan & Cromwell, but even he would not have thought that S&C lawyers would simply abandon its client on death row. But S&C did hire a former Solicitor General to fix its errors. [New York Times]
- Here is a "Super Person" -- a homecoming queen, 4.0 student, student government treasurer, and the kicker for the varsity football team. Surely, she is dead inside. (One advice for our Super Person -- please don't attend University of Colorado to play football.) [New York Times]
- Outsourcing has come to this: outsourcing wombs to surrogate mothers in India. [New York Times]
- Should we capitalize "black" or "white" when referring to ethnicity? The Korean says no. [DCentric]
- Next person who says Americans can work just as hard as illegal immigrants will get a print version of this article thrown into his face. ""Six hours was enough ... for the first wave of local workers to quit. Some simply never came back and gave no reason. Twenty-five of them said specifically, according to farm records, that the work was too hard." [New York Times]
- ... so let's put inmates to work instead of illegal immigrants! The drecks of our society must surely work harder than an average American, right? #facepalm [Marginal Revolution]
Today, TK Learned:
... that Drunken Tiger is your best pal when you are working late.